Hey babe, my name is Leonie Gabriella. đź’—

I’m a woman, life enthusiast and business & life coach for women.

I've grown a 6 figure business living my passion and helped hundreds of women do the same (I've been location independent and traveled the world since 2014)... More than 10.000 women have done my free workshops and paid trainings.

Sounds cool and all, but it's not my entire story...

I grew up in a cult until I was 10 years old where I learned it’s better to be a man than a woman.

Gaslighting was common, I questioned my intuition all the time, even though I could feel a lot. Trust was placed in someone “higher” (our priest). We did not have direct “access” to God because he was a chosen or “enlightened” one. In the end, turned out women were abused for sex. Pleasure was out of the question.

Growing up, I got intensely bullied.

When asking for help from a school teacher, he said I was asking for it. This caused me to carry an intense level of shame and self-hatred. There’s also been an element of generational shame and fear in my family line.

In 2014 I started my own business.

I’ve worked as a health coach, copywriter, hula-hoop street performer, website builder, nanny, business and life coach.

I’ve grown a 6 figure business and lived and traveled all over the world: Spain, Slovenia, Switzerland, Australia, Bali, California, Mexico, Washington, Croatia, Thailand.

A few years ago, a self-sabotage mechanism started kicking in.

Even though I had all the external “success”, I was still unhappy, trying to get approval. I wasn’t living in alignment and no longer wanted to live. A part of my ego needed to die.

I had to go through a healing process, and face generational wounds. I had to become more myself, more authentic.

With the help of body-based therapy, I’ve been going through a rebirthing process.

My main healing journey has been about allowing and accepting all my feelings, learning to meet my needs and reconnecting with my feminine heart and softness. I appreciate the tenacity of life for giving me my dark night of the soul so that I could step into the light more fully.

My mission is to help you trust yourself, know you’re here for a reason and life gets to be fun.

I do this through my free content, coaching and online programs.

If you want to find out how to work with me, check the page and sign up for my email list.

I love you. You’re loved. Be kind to yourself. You’re worthy. You can have it all.

Big sister hugs, Leonie xxx đź’•

You can trust yourself.

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And life gets to be fun.

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