3 Back To Flow Steps for Challenging Days (Oldie But Goodie)

This morning I nearly got punched in the face by a stranger. He was trying to convince me of some flaws in the Swiss legal system. I was not interested. He got pissed off.

Avoiding a full-on head-smack, I let his fist hit my arm instead.

Did I deserve it? In a sense, yes.

I was feeling contracted and uptight from a discussion I'd had 10 minutes earlier, and was radiating a heavy, frustrated energy.

What you ask for is what you get. It's such a simple law of nature.

By now I know that my own mood determines what I attract in life. That said, it's not always easy to get back to your juicy self when you're on an emotional roller coaster!

Back in the days it would take me a few hours, sometimes days...

Now I know: The quicker I can get back to feeling good, the easier it is for me to start receiving more positive vibes from the universe.

If you've ever struggled to get back in flow after a challenging day, today's video is for you.

Watch & learn 3 simple steps to immediately let go of frustration & instantly start feeling good.

After you're done watching, I'd love to know:

Do you have any special techniques you use to get back in flow after a rough day?

What do you do when you feel like punching someone in the face? :-)

Remember: When you've got the power to change your mood, you have instant access to bliss and joy all the time!

Sending you hugs, fresh mangoes & tropical kisses from a beautiful island,

Leonie xx

PS This was me making one of my first ever videos in 2016. So, if anything, let this video be an inspiration for starting shitty 😂 You gotta start somewhere. At some point you'll develop and grow. But you can't do that unless you begin. So... Take a deep breath, get present, and begin your journey today. XOXO

Share your insights in the comments!

Hi gorgeous! I’m Leonie 💕

I help big hearted women live their passion & make big money doing what they LOVE, without giving up their integrity or losing their femininity. But that’s not my entire story…

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