How to Finally Change Your Habits & Manifest Your Dreams (Oldie But Goodie)

This was me making one of my first ever videos in 2016. So, if anything, let this video be an inspiration for starting shitty. You gotta start somewhere. At some point you'll develop and grow. But you can't do that unless you begin. So... Take a deep breath, get present, and begin your journey today. XOXO

This weekend I flew from Amsterdam to Bangkok.

For the first time in a while, I felt a little nervous.

You know, the kinda feeling you get when you're about to do something really cool?

It feels kinda freaky, yet you know you really want it.

Truth is, I've been working towards this trip for a really long time.

In the beginning I wasn't so sure about it.

Doubting whether I really wanted it.

I set some goals, but kinda forgot about them.

Figured maybe this wasn't so important to me after all.

At some point I had a wake up call: I realized that not living my dreams would kill me.

Once I got that, I did everything I could to make it work.

I booked a flight and arranged to spend my winter in Thailand.

And here I am, free as a bird. Enjoying the sun. Eating a mango.

I gotta say, it's feels pretty damn good! :D

Not because I wasn't happy, but because magic only happens when you actually live your dreams (not just talk about them).

Creating your dreams doesn't have to be hard. You just need to know how to change your habits.

So how do you do it? In todays video I share my 5 mega simple steps that will help you create the life of your dreams.

When you've got the power to change your habits, you'll have the power to change the world.

After watching, I want you to let me know:

What dreams are you working towards?

Which new habits would you really like to set in place?

Make sure you describe your dreams and desired actions as detailed as possible (clarity = power!).

I look forward to reading your reaction in the comments below.

With love from a sweet little café in Chiang Mai, Thailand,

PS As I told you, there's a super magical 6th step to this process. Oprah calls it "Surrender".
After you've done all the work, there's nothing left but to relax and watch things unfold.
Watch this beautiful video where Oprah describes it very nicely.

PPS Curious to my trip? Hop on my newsletter by leaving your details below. I'll be sharing weekly updates and pictures with you through mail.

Share your insights in the comments!

Hi gorgeous! I’m Leonie 💕

I help big hearted women live their passion & make big money doing what they LOVE, without giving up their integrity or losing their femininity. But that’s not my entire story…

Read more about me here.

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