Why Living In This Now Moment Is All We've Ever Got (Oldie But Goodie)

Picture this:

You set the due date. Designed the project. You worked for hours and weeks and months and then... nothing.

You put all your hopes and dreams on making this *thing* work and expected by the end of it you'd be feeling ecstatic.

But nope: no satisfaction. Not even a tiny bit of relief.

Why? Because you didn't do the 1 thing I'm going to tell you right now.

It's an insight I got while looking out on the bay and it goes like this:

"True satisfaction lies in the present moment."

Meaning: no matter how awesome your future plans are, they will never be satisfying if you can't enjoy what's here right now.

Now I know this isn't a new concept (at all!).

But, damn, it can be easy to forget!

Whenever I remember though, it always fills me up with instant pleasure.

Even better, it gives me long-term satisfaction, too.

In todays video I'll share exactly why this tool can be so powerful.

On top of that, I'll show you my ridiculously stunning view. (Seriously. Watch this.)

Please note this video was shot in 2016. But the message is still relevant.

After watching, ask yourself:

What can you do RIGHT NOW to experience this present moment with more awareness? How could you allow yourself to enjoy even more?

Remember, when you have the power to tune into the magic of the present moment, you'll have access to infinite amounts of joy and bliss, all the time.

Leave a comment below and let me know your insights.

With Love,
Leonie XX

PS If anything, let this video be an inspiration for starting shitty 😂 This was me making one of my first ever videos in 2016. You gotta start somewhere. At some point you'll develop and grow. But you can't do that unless you begin. So... Take a deep breath, get present, and begin your journey today. XOXO

Share your insights in the comments!

Hi gorgeous! I’m Leonie 💕

I help big hearted women live their passion & make big money doing what they LOVE, without giving up their integrity or losing their femininity. But that’s not my entire story…

Read more about me here.

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