Palms sweaty. Knees week. Thought I could control myself, but my body didn't agree.
Trying to put on a smile, I burst into tears.
Our bodies just don't lie... When energy wants to move through us, it eventually will.
We all know there's no reason in suppressing our feelings. Sometimes that's just easier said than done.
Especially when we find old emotions… It can seem like a journey with no end!
I've spent years healing the connection to myself (especially my sexuality) - and I'm still working on it!
Sometimes it's frustrating, sometimes it's hard.
But with every step I take, I feel so much more alive, confident and connected…
Heightened states of love, happiness and deep orgasmic bliss always await on the other side ;-)
Today's interview is extremely close to my heart.
Sasha Cobra has worked with sexual energy for over 10 years.
She helps people release traumas and unprocessed feelings from the body, by using their orgasmic potential.
I had the pleasure to participate in one of her events.
I shed lots of tears, but I gotta say… it really freed me up.
If you want to feel more orgasmic and alive, watch today's video now. You'll learn:
- Why you don't need to perform to feel confident and fulfilled
- How to relax completely into the most blissful state of yourself
- How to tap into your natural sensual nature to experience states of bliss
The knowledge Sasha shares is extremely close to my heart. Her words of wisdom will help you get back to a state of love, instantly.
And let me know in the blog: what's the biggest insight you got from watching this video?
I love you!
Leonie xxx
PS This was me making one of my first ever videos in 2016. So, if anything, let this video be an inspiration for starting shitty. You gotta start somewhere. At some point you'll develop and grow. But you can't do that unless you begin. So... Take a deep breath, get present, and begin your journey today. XOXO
Share your insights in the comments!
Hi gorgeous! I’m Leonie 💕
I help big hearted women live their passion & make big money doing what they LOVE, without giving up their integrity or losing their femininity. But that’s not my entire story…
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