There’s some crazy sh*t happening in the world right now, ammiright?
In the midst of this global crisis, here’s what I want you to know:
You are worthy.
The laws of manifestation still work.
Now, more than ever, the world needs your voice.
Let me break that down a little further…
During a crisis like this it can be very tempting to go into fear mode.
Worrying about everything that’s coming, watching the news incessantly and basically go crazy…
That’s not what I want for you, nor for the people around you.
Here’s the decision I’ve been making:
Make a decision to thrive — in stead of survive.
I’m not saying it will always be easy.
It can be freaking damn challenging when all your events have been cancelled.
But during every crisis, there’s a group of people who are thriving.
I’ve made the personal commitment to thrive during this period, but emotionally and financially.
And it’s been working… I’ve made more money in my business this quarter than ever before.
I’m not saying that to brag, but to show you what is possible…
The truth of the matter is: you can’t change what’s happening with this virus.
What you can do, is change your outlook on it.
Take the gifts. Make the best out of this situation on all levels you possibly can.
Use it as an opportunity to grow, pivot, and upgrade the way you’re showing up in the world.
Here's what I've been doing to stay high vibe:
1) Switch off the news.
There’s a great difference between being informed and being in a constant state of panic.
Realize that the news was never designed to just inform you…
Quote: “The purpose of the news is not to inform, it is to startle.”
Fear paralyzes us… It influences our nervous systems and makes us stressed and unproductive.
In order to stay in a sane, you must switch off the news (and stop reading everything everyone is saying on social media!!!)
You can use apps to help you block specific sites and stay focused.
In stead of watching the news — stay informed by following your governments website (most factual and up to date information), and asking friends about the main updates.
2) Deepen your spiritual connection.
It’s easy to be aligned in times when all goes well.
Now is when we get to walk our talk.
Are you doing your daily meditation, reading and journaling ritual?
A question that can turn perceived chaos and stress into blessings is:
“How good am I willing to let my life get, regardless of outer circumstances?”
As well as the saying: “Everything happens for you, not to you.”
There’s nothing spiritual about getting locked up in fear.
Our suffering doesn’t support anyone... Especially the people who need you most…
Take the steps you have to take to take care of things, but promise yourself you’ll make the best of this.
You are bigger than this crisis.
Ask for guidance to stay grounded and connected.
I highly recommend the book A Course in Miracles Made Easy for this.
3) Don’t future trip. Stay present.
You may feel the tendency to worry about what might come, how long this will take and how you will continue running your business.
Don’t do it. Stay grounded as much as possible.
You can’t predict what’s going to happen in the future.
In stead, focus on what you can control.
Choose to respond, in stead of react.
Keep all your attention in the present, doing the best you can here and now.
4) Keep adding value to people
During challenging times, people are looking for leaders!
There are so many people suffering in this period...
Some financially, but a lot of them emotionally.
Now is the time to become a role model and SHOW UP for those who need you.
Think about how you can add value to your (future) customers right now.
Can you take your bodywork sessions online and turn them into energy work + dance classes?
Can you create a free offering to help people and at the same time, build your email list?
Can you teach meditation, and help people stay grounded and happy?
The world needs people who stay grounded and choose happiness right now more than anything.
So get your buns out there, move yourself to share online and begin making a difference.
5) Build your online business!
There are so many opportunities opening up right now — especially online.
Choose to make this period one of your greatest growths spiritually and financially.
(Yep, I’m not kidding. This period has been great for me money-wise, and it can be for you, too).
That doesn’t mean you need to become unethical.
It’s a chance to expand your offerings and be of even greater service.
Use this time become more grounded within yourself and be of even greater service.
Educate yourself on building your online business.
Start building your email list. Begin hosting live webinar trainings.
Craft a powerful coaching offer, create the online course you’ve been thinking of for years.
Make this virus the best thing that ever happened to you and your (future) company.
6) Move your body and stay fit
If you’re aren’t forced to stay inside (I feel so sorry for people in France & Italy!) — get your ass outside!!!
Now is the time to get fit. Stress is best released through movement.
Get into the park or the forest and move your body for a minimum of 30 sweaty minutes a day.
I’m using apps like DownDog & Barre Class— two sweet workout platforms that happen to be 100% free right now.
Since you can’t eat in restaurants, this can also be an opportunity to upgrade your eating habits.
I’ve made it my challenge to get better at cooking delicious vegan meals and eat healthy.
(If you have any favorite vegan recipes, please send them my way!)
7) Stay connected to people you love
I’m sooooo grateful for some of my close connections in this moment.
If I wouldn’t have friends to share my experience with and motivate each other to keep our vibes high, I’m not sure what would happen.
I recommend these resources to remain connection with your friends:
Netflix Watch Parties — this google chrome extension allows you to watch series in real time with your friends and chat about it with them:.
Cards Against Humanity Online Version — this game is soooo funny! Very inappropriate — do NOT play if you’re sensitive to sexual jokes and curse words… Play it with your friends while keeping Skype on and have a blast.
Call your grandparents if you still have them! This is a time to check in on each other and see how you’re all doing.
Gorgeous woman, I really care about you.
I know this period may not be easy for you, but I want you to know:
You’ve got this.
You are bigger than this crisis.
You are loved and your are supported.
And this too shall pass.
That’s all for now.
I truly hope these insights serve you.
Big hugs,
Leonie xoxoxo
Share your insights in the comments!
Hi gorgeous! I’m Leonie 💕
I help big hearted women live their passion & make big money doing what they LOVE, without giving up their integrity or losing their femininity. But that’s not my entire story…
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