Hey gorgeous!
I have a very special and deeply personal message for you today.
I just came back from a beautiful 10 days in Ibiza, where I had the pleasure to participate in a self-hosted mastermind with some gorgeous new friends. 🏝
When my friend invited me I felt excited to connect with other 6 and 7 figure entrepreneurs...
And I also felt some fear.
I realized that even though I’d been super comfortable surrounding myself with successful women during organized events —
Within my personal life I’ve kept women that I’m impressed by in my own industry (aka “further ahead” than me in terms of followers, self-expression or income) at a distance. 🤔
Interesting, hey?
I realize I’ve had some scars from being bullied in childhood.
The “coolest” girl in my school (that I had a complete girl crush on) bullied me. She and her friends were walking around my table singing I was ugly and stupid.
I desperately wanted to be like her — to be “cool” — but any attempt to do so was met with being made fun of and obviously NOT getting the approval I so desperately longed for.
In short?
I decided she was cool and I was not.
That I’d never have “it”: that thing that makes you interesting.
Hence, I’ve been keeping people that I find cool away out of insecurity. And I’ve been holding back from sharing myself fully.
Interestingly enough — that is exactly what’s been blocking me from reaching bigger levels of impact in building this community (which I feel is a huuuge desire for me!)
Over the last 10 days this started shifting. The realizations that helped me?
No matter how cool anyone is — they’ll never be cooler than you being you.
Not joking or being arrogant here, but seriously — you being yourself is as cool as you can ever be.
No need to compete. The time of placing people above myself are over.
Success or status is NOT what makes you cool or worthy!
You ARE cool for who you are right now! Nothing you need to change.
Stop trying to be cool. Be yourself. Anything else is boring.
You are worthy. You are a fun friend.
And just because someone has a certain amount of followers or income doesn’t mean they don’t feel insecurities or you can’t add anything to their life!
Everyone poops and EVERYONE is a human being.
Stop projecting some kind of superhuman mega status onto people and see them for who they are in their totality!
The results? I deeply enjoyed letting myself receive aaaall the magical connections in these last 10 days. 🥰
I feel nourished. And I’m so grateful. Can’t wait to see what else will unfold from here.
Please tell me, did this message resonate?! What insights did you take away?
Leave your comments below!
Remember, you can trust yourself. You are worthy.
Sending big hugs, Leonie xxx
Share your insights in the comments!
Hi gorgeous! I’m Leonie 💕
I help big hearted women live their passion & make big money doing what they LOVE, without giving up their integrity or losing their femininity. But that’s not my entire story…
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