Why I'm going on a semi-sabbatical

Lately I had to do some reflecting.

Although I’m happy to say I’ve been able to create some pretty amazing conventional “success” in my business this past year (such as two 6 figure launches, helping multiple clients grow their business beautifully and rapidly)

I lost some of my joy and passion!

At times, I even felt a little depressed... 😞

(Yes, I’m sharing this with you vulnerably.

I enjoy being transparent and think it’s very important you know what’s happening behind the scenes.)

It felt very much not like me. So I decided to dig deep and ask myself these questions:

Where am I doing things just because I think I need to do them to be successful? What do I intuitively know I want to stop doing (and what do I want more of) but haven’t acknowledged?

Turned out I was doing some things that really didn’t feel aligned with me!

(It’s so interesting to notice how quickly we can lose track of our OWN intuition in the world of social media comparison and seeing the success other people seem to be experiencing around us.

Social media comparison can be so dangerous!)

The interesting part was: my body knew exactly what she needed. 💖 So I listened.

She wanted to take a break, to reflect and tune in. She wanted to cancel some programs. Spend more time offline. Not be posting on social media so frequently.

And do a few things very differently.

After implementing a few things (such as postponing the launch of my Wildly Abundant Woman Academy), I literally feel like I’ve given birth to 6 elephants 🐘 (lol. But I’m not kidding!)

I’m experiencing joy and flow again and on some days I even feel so happy I jump around like a little kid. 💖

From here, I’m following my inspiration. I don’t want to force myself to do zero work for a period of time, because sometimes I may feel inspired to do something. Hence why I’m calling it a SEMI sabbatical. I’m letting my creativity guide me.

How will I be spending my time?

🇮🇹 Learning Italian! 🍕

I started doing more fun things and one of them is learning Italian! Not sure if it makes much sense because I don’t know how much time I’ll spend in Italy 😂 but I really like the language and have been wanting to learn it for a long time. 😍 Learning languages brings me joy, especially with this great app called Duolingo. It's very fun and motivating, and I’m also sharpening up on my other languages like German, Spanish, Slovenian and French. Check out my progress learning Italian here. So fun!!

💕 “Pussifying” my life

I am completely in love with a book called “Pussy — A Reclamation” by Regena Thomashauer. Oh my goddess, talk about reclaiming your deepest feminine energy. Your intuition is in your most sacred feminine parts and this book is here to help you reconnect to it. Regena invite you to create more pleasure with tips to “pussify” your life, with tips ranging from "swamping" to embody and release emotions, the holy trinity to reconnect with your power. Here's one of my favorite pieces of text: (from her "Rupture" chapter)

"Rupture is a natural part of life, and a natural consequence of desire. For whenever we get something we want, we must say good-bye to what we had. No matter how dissatisfying it might have been, it was familiar."

🌿 Getting my hands dirty in the garden Nature = healing. Working in a garden feels so satisfying to me. I’m staying in a gorgeous self-sustainable earth ship in the east of The Netherlands at the moment. It’s got a big garden with plenty of work to do (not that I'm good at it, I'm doing what I can which mostly means taking care of the grass and removing weeds lol).

🍊 Dreaming of building a fruit forest Being here and taking time off also has given me the space to reconnect to an old dream: to own a home with a fruit farm somewhere close to the sea. My man and I plan to travel to various locations in the next few months in the Mediterranean to discover where this home may be.

📚 Hunkering down with one of my favorite classic lifestyle books

Rediscovering the gems in one of my favorite books the 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss. This is one of the books I read that originally inspired me to create my business. It really takes a stand for letting life be easy, creating time freedom and creating life around your ideal lifestyle, not the other way around. Some of my favorite quotes:

- “Whenever you find yourself on the side of majority, it is time to pause and reflect” (Mark Twain)

- “Life doesn’t have to be so damn hard. It really doesn’t." - "Less is not laziness”

What can you expect from me moving forward?

Will I disappear and fall off the earth for a year? 😂

Nope. Like I said: I’m letting my creativity guide me and enjoy doing some work when I feel inspired.

Lately I’ve been feeling called to create some juicy free content, in the form of podcasts and vlogs. In fact:

Have any questions you’d like me to answer? Send them my way!

I might dedicate an entire episode to your answering your question.

Ok beauty, I love you.

Remember: you can trust yourself. The world needs your message. And life gets to be sooo much fun while you manifest the life of your dreams!

Sending biiig hugs your way,

Leonie xxxx

PS Did this message resonate with you? I’d love to hear from you!

Leave a comment below and share what inspired you about this post.

(I’m moving away from social media and focusing more on my website, so share your insights with me here!)

PPS Have a questions you'd like me to answer?

Leave a comment below and I might dedicate an entire podcast episode to your question. 💖

Share your insights in the comments!

Hi gorgeous! I’m Leonie 💕

I help big hearted women live their passion & make big money doing what they LOVE, without giving up their integrity or losing their femininity. But that’s not my entire story…

Read more about me here.

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