How To Embody Your Higher Self For Next Level Results In Life & Business

I just came out of a powerful Mastermind in Ibiza, where I’ve been diving deep into these questions:

What caused my big expansion in the start of my business?

And what did I do in the times when I flourished, blossomed?

Here’s the summary of what I’ve received:

Every time I expanded to a new level, I connected with my higher self.

Something greater than me.

When connecting with this space, all fears, doubts and worries disappear. It’s not about overcoming them, they’re just no longer relevant.

In this week's episode you'll learn how to:

  • Receive guidance from your higher self (wherever and whenever you want)
  • Trust the Universe and your path on a deeper level
  • Experience a relief from worry and anxiety because you can suddenly see a bigger perspective (and how everything is always happening for you not to you)
  • Feel even more alive, inspired and full of gratitude
  • Go beyond fears and into a place of zero-doubt, full trust and confidence

I truly believe this is one of the most powerful podcasts I have released in a while, so I sure hope you’ll listen to it.

There’s a beautiful guided process - kind of like a meditation - that you might end up playing to yourself to more often ❤️

And remember… You can trust yourself. The world needs your message. And life gets to be fun.

Big hugs,


Share your insights in the comments!

Hi gorgeous! I’m Leonie 💕

I help big hearted women live their passion & make big money doing what they LOVE, without giving up their integrity or losing their femininity. But that’s not my entire story…

Read more about me here.

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