I’m never going back! 😫 I want to stay on my sabbatical for the rest of my life! 😫
Half way during my 2 month roadtrip, I said this. ☝🏻
Wouldn’t that be amazing? Living your life like you’re on holiday all the time? 🏝🌞
Well, you can create that!
Here’s my #1 secret to making my life feel like I’m on holiday:
🥁🥁🥁 Drumroll…
Just think about it:
How much time have you recently spent doing random sh*t online?
Watching endless funny FB videos? Googling stuff about the news? Checking out Kim Kardashian? 🙄 Watching Netflix? Or just looking at people on Instagram or Twitter?
If you’re being honest your answer most likely is: WAY TOO MUCH!
What would your life look like if you’d stop wasting time online?
And would be spending this time joyfully creating your business instead?
Or simply enjoying life, guilt-free? 🍦
Competition is not your greatest problem. Your own lack of focus is.
And this is exactly what internet fasting will fix for you.
With technology becoming more and more addictive, internet fasting is a MUST to protect your productivity and happiness.
Meet the technique that helped me 10x my productivity: (and do things like record 15 podcasts in 1 week (yep, not kidding) and still have time to walk my dog, do my workouts and eat healthy)
In this episode you’ll learn:
After listening, let me know in the comments below:
Are you going to give internet fasting a try? What do you think that might open up for you? What would you be spending more time on if you're no longer in being forever busy mode?
And remember… You can trust yourself. The world needs your message. Life gets to be fun. And you can be, do and have it all.
Big hugs from Biarritz, a small Surfers Town in South-West France,
Share your insights in the comments!
Hi gorgeous! I’m Leonie 💕
I help big hearted women live their passion & make big money doing what they LOVE, without giving up their integrity or losing their femininity. But that’s not my entire story…
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