How To Market Your Services From Your Heart

“I hate sales & marketing. Without them, my life would be amazing!”

Does that sound like you? 🤔

If so, you’re making a huge mistake… And you might just be stealing. (Bare with me)

Here’s a quote I love from Marie Forleo:

If you have something that can change people’s lives, and you’re not doing everything you can to market it, you’re stealing from those that need it the most.

There’s a way to sell from your heart, without being salesy.

And through doing that, serving people deeply.

You can make all the money you want by being honest.

When you do this, people will feel it and they can’t wait to buy from you! Them saying YES to work with you is actually them saying YES to themselves...

Selling from your heart is one of the deepest services you can ever offer to the world. And yes, the world will reward you abundantly when you become a queen of sales! ❤️💰

Here’s what you’ll learn in this episode:

  • How to overcome fear and insecurity around sales & marketing
  • The 1 insight that helped me go from hiding to selling like a Queen
  • How to feel really connected to your ideal clients & sell with love
  • Stop feeling salesy with my zero force marketing play
  • Why marketing is similar to sex & foreplay, and how to do it well 😊

Making sales is what keeps you in business.

So to keep growing, make the difference you’re here to make and live the life you’re dreaming of, mastering heart based sales & marketing is simply a must.

And the good news is: it can be fun, enjoyable and easy 💕

Remember… You can trust yourself. The world needs your message. Life gets to be fun.

And you can be, do and have it all.

Big hugs,


Share your insights in the comments!

Hi gorgeous! I’m Leonie 💕

I help big hearted women live their passion & make big money doing what they LOVE, without giving up their integrity or losing their femininity. But that’s not my entire story…

Read more about me here.

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