Can You Be Spiritual And Make A Lot Of Money?

My business was really struggling until I looked deeply at something most people never do: my money mindset.

Before looking at my money mindset, I worked for weeks on launching an online course and after launching it, guess how much I earned? €0. Literally.

And what do you think happened after working on my money mindset?

I launched an online course again and created a revenue of €40.000. Here’s why:

If you, deep down, believe that you don’t deserve to make the kind of money you want to make, you’ll sabotage your success in every way possible (even in ways you’re not consciously aware of).

It also works the other way around: if you believe that you deserve to make a certain amount of money, you’ll do whatever it takes to create it. Because you simply won’t accept any other reality. Anything else wouldn’t be aligned with who you are.

Learn more about money mindset in this week’s episode:

What you’ll learn in this weeks episode:

  • Why nurturing your money mindset is essential to making the difference you’re here to make
  • Why it’s impossible to become rich with a poor mindset
  • How money mindset trumps strategy any day of the week
  • How to build an epic thriving money mindset

When I want to take my business to the next level, it almost always comes down to growing my money mindset (together with a little bit of strategy).

Learn how to do this in this week’s episode.

And remember… You can trust yourself. The world needs your message. Life gets to be fun. And you can be, do and have it all.

Big hugs,

Share your insights in the comments!

Hi gorgeous! I’m Leonie 💕

I help big hearted women live their passion & make big money doing what they LOVE, without giving up their integrity or losing their femininity. But that’s not my entire story…

Read more about me here.

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