Hey love,
If you're struggling with depression, burnout or lack of motivation, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. ❤️
I went through IT ALL before & during my sabbatical last year... Think:
- Not wanting to work AT ALL
- Watching Netflix for WEEKS
- Often crying for no apparent reason
- Constantly feeling like I'm going to fall apart
- Utterly unmotivated to do ANY work
- Feeling lost & like a complete failure
- Even having days where I didn't want to live 😞
I know I make myself vulnerable by sharing this, but you need to hear it. 💖
Six of my closest friends are currently going through some form of burnout, exhaustion, anxiety, depression, or like everything is way too much. Some are even pausing their entire career. These are women you may be looking up to, they're successful, live their passion and some make lots of money.
You are not alone. There is nothing wrong with you. You are not crazy.
So what caused it for me? A deep-rooted insecurity that started in my childhood and reared it's head once I got some form of success. That's not to say you can't experience anxiety & depression before you manifest your dreams. But last year everything went so great (I had a second 6 figure launch, relationship was awesome, made amazing friends)… A part of me could not believe it could be this good. Long story short… I felt stuck for about 1 entire year.
If you're struggling with feeling down, not being motivated or even depression, I want you to listen to this week's episode.
You'll learn:
- How an unconscious decision I made when I was 16 kept me depressed at 31
- Why mind-based coaching doesn’t work (and the thing that does!)
- The one exercise that finally got me out of my year long depression
- Why you should always trust your intuition no matter what anyone else says
- The best approaches to create your dream life from your essence (your true self)
- Why being true to yourself will give you the greatest success on the long run + tools on how to do it
It's OK if sometimes everything feels TOO MUCH.
It's OK if you don't feel motivated.
Please prioritize your mental health and fitness. Your body communicates with you what you need. Make sure you listen to her. There is nothing wrong with you. You are loved and you are worthy. ❤️
This WILL pass and there WILL be bright light at the end of the tunnel, where your energy flows again naturally. 🌞 You'll likely experience a big expansion after this. So don't fight it. Don't try to get yourself motivated. Take the time you need.
Do you resonate with this message? If so, please share your love below. Let’s keep the conversation going!
And remember: You can trust yourself, the world needs your message and life gets to be fun.
With so much love from The Netherlands,
Leonie XOXO
P.S. Know a friend that needs to hear this? Please forward them this podcast. It might just be exactly what they need to hear.
Show Notes
03:36 The real reason I went on a sabbatical
08:40 How getting to the next level of income & success can actually bring up a lot of insecurities, old wounds and stories that we haven't healed yet.
17:45 The one decision that made me lose the connection with myself & my intuition.
21:52 How, even though my life was perfect on the outside, I constantly felt stressed, felt like I wasn't being good enough or wasn't going quick enough.
26:00 The moment I finally allowed myself to break down and cry.
31:02 How getting help from different coaches perpetuated trying to fix myself and “get somewhere”.
35:00 How I realized I had to look into what was going on, rather than just wanting to fix it “in order to” feel good again.
39:30 How suicidal thoughts gave me no other choice than to surrender to the Universe and ask for the support that I needed
44:38 How body-based coaching made a dramatic shift in my wellbeing
51:54 How I realized that a decision I made when I was 16 impacted my life up to this day, when I’m 31
57:30 How your authentic self (underneath all of the ego-personas and fears), knows everything - know how to be happy and successful.
01:01:04 Summary of what I learnt from listening to my body and going on a sabbatical.
Mentioned in the episode:
- Book: At The Speed of Light by my mentors Gay & Katie Hendricks
- For a body-based coaching session inquire at info@leoniegabriella.com
- The picture I drew that finally made me decide to go on a sabbatical:
Share your insights in the comments!
Hi gorgeous! I’m Leonie 💕
I help big hearted women live their passion & make big money doing what they LOVE, without giving up their integrity or losing their femininity. But that’s not my entire story…
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