I sat in an uncomfortable church school bench when my entire life changed.
I remember hearing my teacher share the story… 🍎
Of Eve creating the end of Paradise by eating an apple she desired.
BAM. Talk about an impactful moment…
As a 6 year old, I clearly understood the message…
You can’t follow your desires, and life isn’t meant to be fun. ⚡️️
So when my business started skyrocketing and desires manifesting in the last few years, you can imagine what that triggered in me.
Even though I had done lots of inner work on healing those old church influenced beliefs,
All of a sudden I felt like I did something bad. 😨
Like I had to start working hard again for everything.
I felt like I was dragging myself like a cat with its claws in a wooden floor, holding myself back.
I went into survival mechanism. And got face to face with patterns I hadn't looked at in years.
I’ll be honest — ending my 8 year relationship influenced it.
While I'm grateful for my decision, it accelerated a healing journey.
So, that’s why I’ve been gone for a while...
I’ve been on rewiring patterns. Seeing healing therapists. Receiving mentorship.
I wanted to know what I had to do to continue growing this mission of influencing women to trust themselves (that church story IS ultimately what lead me to doing what I do today…)
My calling is to help women remember that:
1) they can trust themselves and their intuition — they have all the wisdom they need within themselves, and they can use this as guidance to live their dream life
2) know they are on this planet for a reason (they have important work to do, and they get to live their passion, make a big difference and get paid for it)
3) that life gets to be fun! Pleasure is our birthright, and we’re here to enjoy it. Life is not about suffering. It gets to be a curious, playful adventure.
The prescription? Let’s just say it was unexpected.
It wasn’t to work harder to get a better strategy.
It was to add more pleasure. 🧪💦
It sounds and can feel so counterintuitive…
Shouldn’t we work harder to get more done?
I always had the feeling that pleasure was important for me and my business. It’s the third part of my calling.
But I’ll be honest with you, I also tend to forget.
I would add it as something else on my to-do list.
Making it again robotic and something I needed to do in order to be more productive.
But NO! What if the opposite was true?
What if pleasure really needs to be the cornerstone of your life in business? 🧱
What if it’s the secret ingredient to success?
What if it’s that thing has you radiate at such a high level that all your desires can’t help but show up and manifest into your life?
So I’ve been on a steady diet of self-pleasuring this week (more details about this in a video soon)
And the results have been AMAZING. 🤯
I feel so much more magnetic and it’s like all of a sudden everything I want start showing up for me so much more. 🧲
So let me ask you this question:
How much fun are you having? How much are you enjoying yourself in your life? How fulfilled do you feel from within – without always needing to “get something” from somewhere before you can be happy?
What if you would take on an experiment in your business – to only or mostly focus on the things that you just love?
Can you add more pleasure into your life?
Can you take yourself out on a date?
Can you pleasure yourself?
Pleasure is not only your birthright. It’s necessary for you to come back home to yourself. 💖
It’s an indispensable tool to move from survival into thriving. ✨
Prioritize your pleasure and watch what magic unfolds in your life.
I'm curious if this message resonates with you.
Feel free to respond and let me know what you're committing to.
I love you,
Leonie 😘
P.S. Here’s a meme just for fun:
Share your insights in the comments!
Hi gorgeous! I’m Leonie 💕
I help big hearted women live their passion & make big money doing what they LOVE, without giving up their integrity or losing their femininity. But that’s not my entire story…
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