Today, let's talk about something important I mentioned the other day... FEELING YOUR FEELINGS!
(Missed my last post? It was filled with hard earned wisdom about my dark night of the soul & subsequent rebirth! Save yourself some time and read it here).
Yup, those wild, unpredictable, rollercoaster rides of emotions that make life oh-so-interesting!
Feelings are like uninvited guests at a party. The more you ignore them, the louder they get.
But what if I told you that truly feeling your feelings is the key to transformation and inner freedom?
I know, I know. This might sound way too simple. Like, yeah right Leonie – I can feel my feelings, but it’s still uncomfortable as shit!!! I get it, but stick with me. An emotion is simply a wave of energy inside your body.
As kids, we were feeling machines. One minute we're jumping for joy because we found a shiny rock, next we're crying because someone took our favorite toy. But guess what? We let it all out, and boom, we're back to living our life fully, like nothing ever happened.
Fast forward to adulthood, and suddenly, we're "grown up". We start bottling up our feelings, and before you know it, we're one cork bottle away from an emotional explosion (or a lifetime of depression and frustration)…
When we suppress our feelings, we're basically sitting on a ticking time bomb. Ever notice how people get addicted, and countries start entire wars when they can't figure out how to deal with their emotions?
In this week’s podcast episode, recorded during my time in Ibiza last year, I explore the transformational power of truly feeling your feelings.
I share personal anecdotes, insights, and practical tips on how to reconnect with your body & emotions and experience true liberation. Here's a sneak peek of what you'll discover:
- Why feeling your feelings is essential for overcoming discomfort and achieving inner peace
- How to break free from the endless mental loops of worry and anxiety (especially when your mind is very loud)
- The transformative power of reconnecting with your body
- The simple yet profound tool that can lead you to a deeper sense of freedom and fulfillment
Ready to get out of your head and into your body? Listen below.
Listen to this episode on Spotify
As you listen, imagine yourself walking with me through a serene forest (I recorded this during a beautiful walk!). You may hear the gentle rustling of the leaves, the melodic chirping of birds, and the soothing sound of my footsteps…
Remember, true freedom lies not in your mind, but in connecting more deeply with your body.
It's time to stop running, start feeling, and embrace the transformative power of feeling your feelings.
I can't wait for you to join me on this adventure!
Have you tried the practice I describe during this episode? Let me know below or tag me on instagram @leoniegabriella.
With love and gratitude,
Leonie xxx
Share your insights in the comments!
Hi gorgeous! I’m Leonie 💕
I help big hearted women live their passion & make big money doing what they LOVE, without giving up their integrity or losing their femininity. But that’s not my entire story…
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